About Us

Who we are?

We are a team of expe­rien­ced PR pro­fes­sio­nals dri­ven by the­ir pas­sion to work.

Why? Because we like people, we listen to them and we always look for opti­mal solu­tions for our clients. Nothing is impos­si­ble for us. Many years of prac­ti­cal expe­rien­ce and excel­lent rela­tions with the media – that is us! We are open-minded and we are not afra­id to sug­gest our clients a non-standard, tra­il­bla­zing solu­tions. We are thin­king out of the box and wil­ling to face chal­len­ges, that others may find impossible.

Our brand -“Face it” – defi­nes the way we think and act.

Get to know us

Our offer?

Public rela­tions servi­ces – effec­ti­ve­ly and efficiently:

  • full PR servi­ces – cre­ating a stra­te­gy outli­ne, imple­men­ta­tion and exe­cu­tion of stra­te­gy from A to Z inc­lu­ding websi­tes and SM channels
  • media rela­tions
  • coope­ra­tion with SEO spe­cia­li­sts, gra­phic desi­gners and mar­ke­ting strategists
  • influ­en­cer marketing
  • ghost wri­ting
  • orga­ni­za­tion of press meetings and other events

We fol­low trends in the PR mar­ket and match the best tools to achie­ve the best result for our clients. We coope­ra­te clo­se­ly and effec­ti­ve­ly with media, blog­gers, cele­bri­ties and influ­en­cers. Our goal is always to reach the highest possi­ble media cove­ra­ge for our clients’ projects!

See our clients